Rückschlagklappen- und Ventile
Rückschlagklappen- und Ventile
Erdöl / Erdgas / Chemie
C-Stahl, Edelstahl, Tieftemperaturstahl, Säurebeständige Stähle, Hastelloystahl, Guß- und Schmiedestahl, Duktiles Gusseisen
valve check, size 2 thru 24,asme class 150 and up supply, steel body, swing, flanged or buttweld end conn, metal seat, full opening,04-samss-005 appendix d,04- 04-samss-048
valve check, size nps 26 and up, asme class 150 and up supply, swing, flanged or buttweld end conn, metal seat, full opening,04-samss-005 appendix d,04- 04-samss-048
valve check, size 2 inch and up, ansi 150 and up supply, steel body, dual plate, wafer end conn,04-samss-035,04-samss-048 api 594
valve check, size 2 thru 24 inch, ansi cl 150 and up supply, steel body, swing, flanged or buttweld & hubbed end conn, metal seat,04-samss-005,04-samss-035 04-samss-048,metal seated
valve check, size 26 inch and up, ansi cl 150 and up supply, steel body, swing, flanged or buttweld end conn, metal or soft seat,04-samss-005,04-samss-035