
A medium-sized company with a 170-year-old tradition
The armacon GmbH is a medium-sized company that continues the more than 170-year-old tradition of valve manufacturing which began in Magdeburg/ Germany (MAW Magdeburger Armaturenwerke). The roots of the development and the production of industrial valves in Magdeburg date back to 1850 when the company "Schäffer & Budenberg” was founded. Further milestones of 170 years of tradition are:
Foundation of the gauges and valves factory „Schäffer & Budenberg“.1890
Foundation of the company „Polte“ in Magdeburg - production of large valves.1922
Foundation of the company „Brüder Mannesmann Armaturen“ in Bielefeld.1945
Foundation of the company MAW Magdeburger Armaturen Werke. In the MAW the know-how of the companies "Schäffer & Budenberg" and "Polte" was combined and further developed after World War II.1990
After the reunification of Germany the acquisition of MAW by „Deutsche Babcock“ (German Babcock) took place.1993
Foundation of the company MAGWEN by Frank and Petra Wenig as well as the installation of a fluidic test field MAG stands for the hometown MAGdeburg and WEN for the family name WENig.1996
Closure of the MAW Magdeburger Armaturenwerke and acquisition of the MAW control valve manufacturing by the company MAGWEN GmbH Wenig.2004
Foundation of the company armacon-systems GmbH with the two lines of business development and manufacturing of special valves with corresponding actuators and implementation of hydraulic calculations for piping systems.2010
Foundation of the company armacon GmbH.2014
armacon GmbH approved supplier for Saudi ARAMCO.2019
FLAGSHIP FASB from Malaysia come be an Shareholder on March 2019. FASB was backed by Datuk Wan Khalik Wan Muhammad and Datuk Wira Lorna Enan Muloon.